Quantum Mechanics
Double-silt experiment : The double-slit interference experiment can be done with a single photon. Moreover, if we place a measurement device behind the double silts, the interference phenomenon will disappear (it seems the photon knows it is being watched). How is one to understand this phenomenon?
Explanations: two important concepts can be derived from the above experiment:
Superposition. Let the state of the quantum system be given by . It is incorrect to say that the probability of the photon's being in position is . Rather, to be in state means that the particle is in some sense in all positions simultaneously. To explain the above double-silt experiment, the photon passes through the top slit and the bottom slit simultaneously, and when it exists both slits, it can cancel itself out. A photon is not in a single position, rather it is in many positions, a superposition.
Measurement. Seeing things existing in many positions simultaneously is counter-intuitive. Our daily-life experience tells us that things are in one position or (exclusive or!) another. How can this be? The reason we see particles in one particular position is because we have performed a measurement. When we measure something at the quantum level, the quantum object that we have measured is no longer in a superposition of states, rather it collapses to a single classical state. So we have to redefine what the state of a quantum system is: a system is in state means that after measuring it, it will be found in position with probability .
In the following discussion, superposition and measurement are two important and fundamental concepts rooted in quantum mechanics.
Quantum States
Case 1: position on a line
Consider a subatomic particle on a line where it can only be detected at one of the equally spaced points shown in Figure 1.2.
The particle being at the point is denoted as , using the Dirac ket notation . To each of these basic states, we shall associate a column vector:
The state of the particle is a linear combination of , by suitable complex weights, known as complex amplitudes, We say that the state is a superposition of the basic states. represents the particle as being simultaneously in all locations, or a blending of all the .
Thus, every state of our system can be represented by an element of as: The norm square of the complex number divided by the norm squared of , called probability amplitude , will tell us the probability that, after observing the particle, we will detect it at the point : Observe that is always a positive real number and , as any genuine probability should be.
When is observed, we will find it in one of the basic states. We might write it as: The probability of obtaining after observing is where .
Two typical operations of ket vectors in the Hilbert space:
scalar multiplication:
It is worth noting that a ket's length does not matter as far as physics goes. In other words, the ket describes the same physical system as .
Case 2: single-particle spin system
play the animation video shown in Figure [1.3](#fig:Stern-Gerlach experiment).
Stern-Gerlach experiment : the magnetic field splits the beam of electrons into two streams, found either at the top of the screen or at the bottom, but none in between! Conclusion: when the spinning particle is measured in a given direction, it can only be found in two states, i.e., it spins either clockwise or anticlockwise.
Next, we put the two Stern-Gerlach apparatus (SGA) in different angles, and discuss the observation results.
- Step 1: SGA experiment. Figure 1.4 shows the particle's spin direction and SGA's placement orientation before measurement (sub-figure A) and after measurement (sub-figure B). After measurement, the particle is prepared in state . If the particle state is not perturbed, and the SGA's placement orientation is kept the same, the following measurements will always have the same results.
- Step 2: SGA experiment. After preparing the spin by measuring it with SGA, we turn the apparatus upside down and then measure again (Figure 1.5). What we find is that if we originally prepared , the upside down apparatus records .
- Step 3: SGA experiment. So far, there is still no difference between classical physics and quantum physics. The difference only becomes apparent when we rotate the apparatus through an arbitrary angle, say radians ( degrees): (1) The apparatus begins in the upright position (with the up-arrow along the z axis). A spin is prepared with . (2) rotate the SGA so that the up-arrow points along the x axis (Figure 1.6). (3) make a measurement of what is presumably the x component of the spin, . The apparatus gives either or